"The Art of Light / Design of Emotions"

St. Petersburg Union of Designers resents a platform with which you can tell the world about the importance of light for design. Light can perform many functions, for example, change the mood of a space.

The exhibition, created by the architect Egor Yemelyanov, will present works by designers and artists inspired by the light to interact with each other and with society, so that we can learn more about the nature of light, about the many areas of its application and discuss its role in our culture. This is a unique opportunity to increase the level of global awareness of the possibilities in light design.

Modern art often uses the achievements of science, and the works of designers often resemble the experimental development of scientists. Therefore, the project brings together people who were able to tame the fastest thing in the world — the light, and discover its beauty in the static of the object.

Lighting is one of the main conditions for meeting the viewer with a work of art. The project "Art of Light / Design of Emotions" shares the opinions of experts and artists working in the Russian context with light as the main source of inspiration.

The exhibition will be attended by professionals and students.

Project curators: Natalia Yukhta, member of the Board of St. Petersburg Union of Designers, Chairman of the Media Design Section; Polina Slutskaya, creative director of St. Petersburg Union of Designers, member of the board of St. Petersburg Union of Designers.
The project will include the following lectures:

May 29, 17.00 — 17.45

Lecture "Milan. Euroluce 2019 "

Speaker: Maria Morozova, designer, decorator, member of the Union of Artists, deputy director of the Art Future Design School for the development of new directions.

May 30, 11.00 — 11.45

Lecture "Light as a Tool of Influence. An environment that affects a person and a person that influences an environment. "

Speaker: Daria Chirimisina, Master of Technical Physics (ITMO University, "Light Design" program), co-developer of the educational module "Perception Evaluation (Visual, Cognitive, Emotional)" of the international master program CLD ITMO University, winner of the international professional award in the field of innovative light LIT Design Awards 2017.

New research in the field of light design specialists of the Higher School of Light Design of ITMO University

May 31, 18.00 — 19.45

Workshop in fluorescent painting

Speaker: Ilya Kreidun, artist, founder of Eos fluorescent painting courses

The concept of light intensity plays a role in the visual perception of fluorescence. The load on the optic nerve, the frequency of incoming information. Working with this material, using its principles is an analysis, an experiment on the perception of its visual receptors, a new sensitive experience.